Cloud River Phenomenon

A rare cloud formation


“This morning I woke up to something rather exciting, after a night of graduation celebration. The clouds had taken on a weird, soft, blanket like texture, all while having a creamy consistency like whip cream. The cool thing about this though is not just how this looked as a background to the beautiful land I call home, but about what happened behind the photo. The clouds look like they are trying to take the shape of the hills, while literally being able to see the clouds flow like a river in the sky! It was the coolest weather event of the year so far. I think the reasons this formed (for a couple hours at most ) was due to the warm and cold airs interacting with the clouds causing the clouds to flow on a conveyor belt of air, but I am not as 100% sure on that.”

Sun Halo Photo

2012-2014 536

“I’m often asked about how I took this picture when I show it to my peers. People tell me it looks like it was photo shopped, or edited in some sort. The truth is that this mystically epic photo was taken on a warm summers day while I was at work. What had started as a really hot and sunny day, turned into a really light and bright fog, which allowed a sun halo to form while we were outside. Me being me said ‘hey this might make a cool album picture one day’ so I took the photo with me standing under it. It was truly a beautiful phenomenon, and it was the first time I had ever seen and/or heard of it in my life, and it is now pictured forever in my mind, and in the internet (as I have made this one of my band (Entity Unknown) pictures.”